Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hallo birds!!!

San Ima wishes the winter a good (and long) sleep,
and says hi to the millions of birds arriving back...
hello spring time!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tomorrow at ZMF- "San Ima‘s spring theory- the Band arrival"

♫♪♫♫    "San Ima - the Band"    Wed./Mit. - 14.3.12     Start: 22h  [free entrance]
@ Zur Möbel Fabrik (ZMF): Brunnenstr. 10  

"Our drummer arrived. So we found the particles which were missing for our big spring theory. They started with a "blum tschaca tschaca bimbimbim... on a 14th of March"

[[San Ima -live-

   Echo Brutes

   Christian Dach & Pete Rushka

   DJ Athila the Hun]]